

List of persons names (and their functions) used in AWR-Articles

(Click on name to display relevant articles)

Name Function
Hishām al-Damīrī (Mr.)
Hishām al-Laythī

head of the Central Administration of the Egyptian Antiquities Registration center

Hishām al-Marāghī


Hishām al-ʿAjamī


Hisham Ashmawi [Hishām ʿAshmāwī]
Hishām Badawī

Attorney General of the Supreme State Security Prosecution

Hishām Badr

the Egyptian Assistant Foreign Minister for Multilateral Relations

Hishām Barakāt [Hesham Barakat]

Prosecuter General. Murdered in June 29, 2015

Hishām Muḥammad (Shaykh)
Hishām Muṣṭafā Khalīl (Engineer)

Deputy chairman of the People’s Assembly Committee on Information, Culture and Tourism

Hishām Qandīl [Hisham Qandil]
Hishām Qāsim

Chairman of the Egyptian Organization for Human Rights; Former vice-president of al-Ghad party; Former editor-in-chief of al-Miṣrī al-Yawm newspaper; Former publisher of Cairo Times

Hishām Rashād

Member of  Islamic Jihād group in Egypt


Hishām Ruʾūf

judge of Cairo’s Court of Appeals

Hishām Ṣādiq
Hishām Salīm (Egyptian actor)

Egyptian actor

Hishām Sarāyā

Legal Counsel of the Supreme Council of Antiquities of Egypt

Hishām Ṭalʿat Muṣṭafā
Hishām Zaʿzūʿ

Minister of Tourism

Hishām ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz (Dr.)

Member of Ministry of Awqāf’s General office for investigation.

Hissein Ibrahīm Taha

Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation

Ḥizbullah Ḥusayn Faḍl Allāh
Holland Taylor
Holly Hursh

Assistant to the President 


Holy Synod
Hossam El-Sayyad [Ḥussām al-Ṣayyād] (Egyptian photojournalist)

Hossam El-Sayyad is a freelance photojournalist and multimedia reporter whose work appeared in news outlets including the Emirati news website Al-Roya

Howard Carter (Archaeologist)

(9 May 1874 – 2 March 1939) was an English archaeologist and Egyptologist who became world famous after discovering the intact tomb of the 18th Dynasty Pharaoh, Tutankhamun (colloquially known as "King Tut" and "the boy king") in November 1922.

Howard Fieldstad Ahmanson

born in 1950, American philanthropist and writer, established with his wife Roberta Fieldstead and Company to support causes he supports, including the Hudson Institute, News Network International and its successor Compass Direct, The Media Project, an organization that "educates journalists on the importance of religion" and its digital magazine, Religion Unplugged.

Hubertus Van Mook

Governor-General Dutch Indies (1942-1948)

Hudā al-Ṣāliḥ


Hudā Badrān (Dr.)

Chairperson of the Arab Women’s Association

Hudā Ghuniyya

MP for the Freedom and Justice Party

Hudā Naṣr Allāh

coptic human rights lawyer, the court ruled in her favor to inherit the same share as her brothers in accordance with the christian doctrine.

Hudā Ṣalāḥ (Dr.)
Hudā Shaʿrāwī

Pioneer of the women’s liberation movement

Hudā Thābit


Hudā Zakariyyā (Dr.)

Professor of Sociology at Zaqazīq University

Hudā ʿAbd al-Munʿim [Hoda Abdel Moneim]

Lawyer with the Constitutional Court and the Administrative Court in 2013-2014, one of the few female leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood

Hudā ʿAwaḍ (Political Science Professor)

Coptic Evangelical and Professor of Political Science at Misr International University

Hugh Goddard (Prof. Dr. )

British author; Director of the Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Centre for the Study of Islam in the Contemporary World

Ḥusayn Bīkār (Artist) (Egypt)
Ḥusayn Kāmil (Sultan)
Ḥusayn ʿAbbās Muḥammad

he shot the first bullet that killed President Sadāt‎

Ḥusnāʾ al-Sharīf
Ḥusnī Abū Ḥabīb (Shaykh)

Undersecretary of the Ministry of Awqāf in Fayoum

Ḥusnī al-Anṣārī
Ḥusnī Mīlād


Husni MubƗrak
Ḥussām al-Dīn Imām
Ḥussām al-Dīn Muṣṭafā


Ḥussām al-Ghiryānī

Head of Supreme Judicial Council

Ḥussām Armāniyyūs

Coptic U.S. citizen who got killed in New Jersey (USA) in 2005

Ḥussām Badrāwī (Dr.)

Member of the Egyptian National Council for Human Rights, the board of trustees of the bibliotheca Alexandria, the Egyptian parliament, Shura council chamber; Professor of Gynecology and Obstetrics Faculty of medicine, Cairo university

Ḥussām Bahjat [Hossam Bahgat] (Dr.)

Chairman of the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights, one of the lawyers next to Baha'is

Ḥussām Jawdat

Member of the board of advisors of Arab-West Report; Author

Ḥussām Saʿadāwī


Ḥussām Sulaymān


Ḥussām Tammām

Author; Researcher Specializing in the Affairs of the Islamic Movement

Ḥussām Wahb Allāh

Journalist; Author

Ḥussām Zakī

Spokesman of the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Ḥussām ʿAbd al-Ghaffār

 official spokesman for the Ministry of Health

Ḥussām ʿAbd al-Hādī

Author; Journalist

Ḥussām ʿAbd al-Qādir


Ḥussām ʿAbdallāh

 A member of the National Association for Change, an organization that  supported Mohammed al-Baradai running for presidential elections in 2011. 

Ḥussām ʿĪssā [Hossam Eissa] (Dr.)

an Egyptian politician and academic. He served as deputy prime minister and minister of higher education of Egypt from July 2013 until 1 March 2014.

Ḥussayn Abū Ghadīr

general coordinator of the Asyūṭ Governorate’s Reconciliation Council

Ḥussayn Abū Jād

, Genral Coordinator for the “Long Live Egypt” Coalition

Ḥussayn Aḥmad Amīn (Dr.)

Author; Former Egyptian Ambassador to Algeria (1987-1990)

Ḥussayn al-Shāfiʿī (Dr.)

Late Egyptian politician; Vice-president (1961-1975); Member of Egypt's revolutionary leadership council (1952)

Ḥussayn Ḥāmid (Dr.)
Ḥussayn Ḥusnī


Ḥussayn ibn ʿAlī ibn Abī Ṭālib
Ḥussayn Ibrāhīm

Member of the People’s Assembly affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood

Ḥussayn Kafāfī

Well known thinker, member in the union of arab historians who wrote the study "love and peace between christianity and Islam"

Ḥussayn Kāmil Bahāʾal-Dīn (Dr.)

Egyptian Minister of Higher Education and State for Scientific Research (1991-1997)

Ḥussayn Kāmil Ḥassan al-Majīd

Ḥusayn Kāmil al-Majīd (1954 – 23 February 1996) was the son-in-law and second cousin of Iraqi leader Ṣaddām Ḥussaīn.

Ḥussayn Khiḍr (Shaykh)

Under-secretary of State and the head of the religious sector at the Ministry of Endowments

Ḥussayn Muḥammad ʿArab

Yemeni Minister of Interior 1999

Ḥussayn Sirāj

Author; Deputy Chief Editor of October Magazine

Ḥussayn Sulaymān Abū Ṣāliḥ

Sudanese Minister of Foreign Affairs in 1988–1989 and again in 1993–1995.

Ḥussayn ʿAbd al-Ghanī

Journalist; Jazeera's bureau chief in Cairo

Ḥussayn ʿAbd al-Rāziq

Secretary-General of al-Tajammuc party; Journalist; Author

Hussein Muhammad

A thief who deceived the innocent people of Maghagha in Minya and stole billion Egyptian pounds. He is usually being referred to as The Mestrayyah of Minya

Hussein Sabbour [Ḥussayn Ṣabbūr]

Chairman of Al Ahly for Real Estate Developments 

Huwaydā Yaḥyā

Author; Journalist

Huwaydā ʿIṣṣām (Ambassador)
Hypatia (Philospher
Ḥabīb al-ʿĀdlī [Habib el-Adly] (General)

Minister of Interior 18 November 1997 – 31 January 2011

ḤabƯb al-cƖdilƯ
Ian Binnie (Justice)

the ICJ Commissioner and a former judge of the Supreme Court of Canada

Ibn al-Fāriḍ
Ibn al-Rawandi

an early skeptic of Islam and a critic of religion in general. In his early days

Ibn Baṭūṭa
Ibn Hazm
Ibn Ḥazm (Shaykh)

Andalusian philosopher; litterateur; psychologist; historian; jurist and theologian; leading proponent of the Zahiri school of Islamic thought

Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya

14th Century Islamic scholar focused on hadith and fiqh

Ibn Qutayba
Ibn Saʿad
Ibn Taymiyya

13th Century Islamic Scholar; theologian and logician

Ibn ʿAbd al-Ḥakam

9th Century Egyptian chronicler; Author of Futūḥ Miṣr, in English published as History of the Conquest of Egypt and North Africa and Spain
