Displaying 11 - 20 of 20.
Although Said El-Nagger is a well-known economics professor and the head of El-Nidaa El-Gadid [new calling] committee, his position does not allow him to pervert the truth and mix papers to show his friend as the natural successor to the Roman hero Spartacus. Saad Eddin Ibrahim was never an...
Said Al-Naggar sent a message to Saad Eddin Ibrahim. In this message he referred to Ibrahim as someone who threw himself into sincere research and studies with all his power to raise Egypt’s rank among the nations. He asked Ibrahim to consider whether he has done something wrong pertaining to his...
Saad Eddin Ibrahim met with his defense attorney, co-workers at the Ibn Khaldoun Center and three human rights activists. During the meeting, an agreement was reached on not making a political case of the lawsuit.
The author commented on the friendly gesture shown by Dr. Saeed El-Naggar and the positive testimony of Dr. Kamal Abul Magd during the hearings about the Ibn Khaldoun Center. Both men are on the Board of Saad Eddin’s Center. He listed the details of Al-Naggar’s emotional defense of Ibrahim. He...
Dr. Ahmed Kamal Abul Magd, Dr. Said El-Naggar, Dr. Abdel Moneim Said, Dr. Mohamed El-Gohary - members of the Center’s Board of Trustees - and Dr. Ibrahim Shehata, former deputy chairman of the World Bank, five public figures called by Dr. Saad Eddin Ibrahim, chairman of Ibn Khaldoun Center, were...
Report of the second session of the trial of Dr. Saad Eddin Ibrahim and 27 co-defendants. The defense questioned State Security detective, Officer Nasr Mohieddin, the agent who prepared original accusations against the defendants over several months of last year. According to the report of News...
As reported in the last issue of the RNSAW, 'Amīr S. Ibrāhīm, son of Dr. Saʿd al-Dīn Ibrāhīm, expressed his readiness to respond to all questions related to allegations in the Egyptian press. Dr. Saʿd al-Dīn Ibrāhīm made a statement before the State Security Prosecutors and 'Amīr thinks this...
The arrest and detainment in full custody of Dr. Saad Eddin Ibrahim and many of his young employees, along with the search of his home and the premises of the Ibn Khaldoun Center is a tremendous blow to anyone who knows Dr. Saad Eddin or has come across the work which the Center has been involved...
"Giving statements requires being logical and fluent, and everything that lacks reason and does not reveal a truth is not a statement, even in signed by a hundred "intellectuals"!!, whether headed or not headed by Said Al-Naggar [Al-Naggar means the carpenter], the blacksmith, or even Said the car-...
This is a statement about the recent events of Al-Kosheh. Hundreds of cultured people in Egypt signed it. These people care about the country’s concerns.


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