Displaying 791 - 800 of 933.
On Saturday, the Copts celebrate the Holy Saturday also known as "Joyous Saturday" or "the Saturday of Light" among Coptic Christians. Holy Saturday is the day before Easter and the last day of Holy Week in which Christians prepare for Easter. It commemorates the day that Jesus Christ's body lay in...
The first celebration of the glorious birthdays witnessed by the Cathedral of St. Mark in Abbassia in the presence of the road's thoughts, amid prayers for Egypt and the stability and security of the country ...
Pope Tawadros II, Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the Diocese of St. Mark, will preside over the Mass of the Easter Feast tomorrow evening. The Pope will also welcome the guests congratulating his Holiness after tomorrow at the papal Seat of the Cathedral of St. Mark, al-ʿAbbasiyah.
Pope Tawadros II, the Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of St. Mark, revealed the commencement of the procedures for the establishment of an Egyptian church in Bahrain to serve Coptic Egyptians there.
Pope Tawadros II, the Pope of Alexandria, the Patriarch of St. Mark Diocese, received on Wednesday Counselor Aḥmad Jamāl ad-Dīn, President of the Court of Cassation and Chairman of the Supreme Judicial Council. Ad-Dīn headed a delegation of judges to offer greetings to the Pope on the occasion of...
General Leader of the Armed Forces and Minister of Defense ‘Abd al-Fattāh al-Sīsī has sent a message of congratulations to Pope Tawadros II on the occasion of Coptic Christmas celebrations, saying ‘it gives me great pleasure to congratulate our brothers the Copts during these celebrations … May God...
Pope Tawadros II presided over Mass as Christians celebrate Christmas, amidst high levels of security. The service was attended by a large number of bishops and members of the clergy. The sound of bells ringing out as churches celebrated Mass demonstrated Egyptian joy at having endured and come...
Amidst a guard of army and police, Pope Tawadros II received Christmas wishes and congratulations from members of the clergy, ministers and officials, and members of the church. 
Pope Tawadros amidst the painful celebration of the Copts says: "this is a small part of the price of freedom that we offer to our nation".   Many Copts will experience a Christmas of fear and pain this year, many praying in tents or amidst the ruins of churches that were burned down, where the...
Pope Tawadros, in his speech to mark the visit of President Adly Mansūr to the Cathedral, stressed that the visit would ‘send a beautiful message to the people’.      


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