Displaying 1 - 10 of 19.
Dr. Mahmūd ‘Azab, Counsellor to the Azhar Shaykh on the dialogue of religions, and Professor at the Azhar University and the Sorbonne, is regarded as one of those who bear the responsibility for extending channels of communication and cooperation with non-Muslim religions, cultures and...
A spokesman of the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that Egypt has taken part in an international conference on religious dialogue for peace in Africa. Egypt was represented by Dr. Mahmoud Azab, Advisor of the Azhar Shaykh on Dialogue (Dalia al- Hamshary, al- Dustūr , March 28, p. 2)....
  Dr. Abāss Shūman, deputy of the Azhar,  denied claims in international media that the Azhar and the Vatican have signed an agreement to combat slavery. Shūman stated that Dr. Mahmūd ‘Azab, the representative of the Azhar in the conference that was held at the Vatican to discuss the prospects of...
Dr. Mahmūd ‘Azab, the advisor of the Azhar Shaykh denied rumors the Azhar requested the application of the “hirāba law” (Islamic law demanding the amputation of the limbs) on those who are convicted in terrorist attacks (Ayā Fathī, al- Dustūr, Jan. 31, p. 6 ). Read original text in Arabic.  
Mahmūd ‘Azab, advisor to the Azhar Shaykh for dialogue affairs, stated that the Azhar stood beside the Egyptian people since the beginning of the revolution.
Dr. Mahmūd ‘Azab, advisor to the Azhar Shaykh for Dialogue, and Dr. Girgis Sālih from the Coptic Orthodox Church have inaugurated a branch of Bayt Al-ʿA’ila in Port Said.
Al-Azhar has demanded a decisive international stand against Angola after the decision of the Angolan government to prohibit Muslims from practicing their religious rites as well as demolishing the mosques in Angola. Dr. Mahmūd ‘Azab, the advisor to Shaykh of Al-Azhar, has described the decision of...
In a closed meeting between Azhar Shaykh Ahmad al-Tayyīb and Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawadros II at the cathedral, the repercussions of the latest events of violence were discussed along with possible attempts to calm the next phase. A source of the Church revealed that the Pope has taken a surprising...
The relationship between al-Azhar and the Vatican has witnessed several changes during the previous ten years, namely since 2006. Since then, the relationship has experience disagreement, discord, agreement, and finally, rapprochement.
Researcher Islām Biḥayrī described discussions about reconciliation with the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood as “the crisis of all crises,” from which Egypt and the surrounding region would not recover again. In a long interview with al-Dustūr, Biḥayrī said: the Brotherhood got a proper chance to...


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