Displaying 21 - 29 of 29.
Hassan Al-Hawari, a member on the board of the FPA and the treasurer, sent a response to an article published in issue no. 366 titled “The Foreign Press Association FPA is in trouble,” saying that Mr. De Coursac sent El-Usboa incorrect information. “The FPA will raise a judicial case against the...
The board of the Foreign Press Association in Egypt sent the following email titled “The Foreign Press Association in Egypt is independent and will remain independent” to all its members: The articles published in Al-Usbua on March 15 and Sawt Al-Umma on March 22 included false claims made by Mr....
The Foreign Press Association is in an illegal status, as it did not register itself under the Egyptian NGO law 84 of 2002. The organization organizes conferences and activities that are suspicious. It suspended deputy secretary-general Ismail De Coursac illegally. The association turned into a...
Rose al-Yousuf writes that Egyptian grassroots are not interested in demonstrations of the Kifāya movement. Critique on an article about a Christian family alleging that the Grand Shaykh of the Azhar was involved in luring their daughter to Islam.
The director of the Cairo Press Center said that foreign correspondents were, most of the time, objective in expressing the different opinions and information they get. He explained that editorials and articles may be biased and subjective but news reports are objective. The head of the Foreign...
The article describes the career of V. Windfuhr, correspondent of Der Spiegel in Egypt. He says Egypt is moving from a totalitarian regime to political pluralism.
Drs. Kees Hulsman, a correspondent for Dutch and American publications and the member of the board of the FPA, has been strongly attacked in a press release sent worldwide by Coptic Associations in the USA, Canada, Australia, England, Germany and France.
Author: Mahmoud Salah The media frenzy has been sparked by an article written in the Sunday Telegraph by Ms. Christina Lamb. And although Cairo hosts more than 600 foreign correspondents, none of them wrote a word in this respect. Several foreign correspondents and others are mentioned including Mr...
Volkhard Windfuhr, head of the Cairo Foreign Press Association and Bureau Chief of the German magazine Der Spiegel, has described the claims made by the British Sunday Telegraph as "nonsense".


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