Displaying 1 - 10 of 522.
In March 2007, a referendum changed several articles of the Egyptian Constitution.
Last Tuesday, the independent Cairo daily al-Youm al-Sabei printed a story on a meeting between a number of Coptic figures and representatives of the presidency. Having myself been among those Coptic figures, I would like to cite here what actually took place in that meeting. Read full text in...
The Egyptian revolution of January 25th brought hope for better Muslim-Christian relations, but unfortunately it did not take long for the hopes for many to evaporate. Optimism for better relations is still there, but many more feel that almost two years after the revolution tensions have increased...
This article was originally posted on Christianity Today, May 29, 2012. Despite the best efforts of Christian and Muslim revolutionaries, the first free presidential election in Egypt's history has resulted in an all-too-familiar choice: old regime vs. Islamists. The nation's Supreme Presidential...
This is a comment on an article with a similar title published on April 13 on a blog called “Salamamoussa. Reclaiming Egypt,” named after Salāmah Mūsá (1887-1958). He was a well-known journalist, writer, and advocate of secularism and Arab socialism who was born into a wealthy, land-owning Coptic...
On November 25, 2011, Al-Misrī al-Yawm, now called Egypt Independent, was the first publication that reported about Najīb Jubrā’īl’s “NGO report: 93,000 Copts left Egypt since March.”  
On February 1st, Elizabeth Kendal, an international religious liberty analyst and advocate, published an article titled, “Egypt: The Gross Insecurity of the Dhimmī,” for Assist News Service (ANS), an online publication based out of California. Her goal in the article is to advocate for the...


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