Displaying 31 - 40 of 3214.
Political Islam groups never stop their fact-twisting, which can be seen in their claim that banning the ʿabāʾa (loose female Muslim gown) in primary and secondary schools in France is a kind of war on Islam!
Bāqī Zakī Yūsuf, one of the most renowned major generals in the October 1973 war, was the mastermind behind opening loopholes within the earthen embankment known as the Bar Lev Line with the use of water pressure.
The al-Buḥayra and Maṭrūḥ Parish concluded the activities of the 10th Titan conference for the youth at the Virgin Mary and Martyr Abī Sayfayn Church at the district of ʿAbd al-Qādir, al-ʿĀmrīya, Alexandria.
It is something remarkable that the education minister’s decision to ban the niqāb (face-covering veil) in schools has neither sparked anger in clerics’ and salafīs’ circles nor was met with fierce criticism like the decision-taker feared it would in the past.
A fatwa (religious edict) secretary at Dār al-Iftā’, Shaykh Muḥammad Kamāl, said that fasting on the day of the mūlid (the Prophet Muḥammad’s Birthday) is permissible from the perspective of the Islamic sharīʿa.
Ben Ezra is one of Egypt's oldest synagogues and was reopened by Prime Minister Muṣṭafā Madbūlī after more than two years of restoration work.
Whether North European countries stopped licensing the burning of copies of the Holy Qurʾān, or any other holy book, or not, or whether the UN adopted an agreement banning contempt of others’ sanctities and beliefs, or not, this disgraceful act is a shame on the authorities that protect it!
A senior scholar at Dār al-Iftāʾ, Dr. Muḥammad ʿAbd al-Samīʿ, said that smoking is ḥarām (religiously impermissible) and that working for companies selling cigarettes and tobacco is a sin.
The prices of ʿUmra (lesser pilgrimage) of al-Mūlid al-Nabawī (the Prophet Muḥammad’s Birthday) of the year 2023 range between EGP25,000 to EGP28,000 (roughly $810 to $907) as the most affordable rates, revealed Ḥusām Muḥammad, a travel agent.
On Tuesday (August 29), Pope Tawāḍrūs II of the Coptic Orthodox Church attended the official inauguration of the movie al-Tilmīdh, screened at the theater of Anbā Rūwīs at the St. Mark Cathedral in al-ʿAbbāsīya. The movie focuses on the biography of St. Tādrus, the student of Anbā Bākhūmyūs, who...


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