Displaying 61 - 70 of 104.
Dr. Larry Levine states that there is no justification for religiously-motivated violence in Judaism.
Al Ghad newspaper wrote in its June issue that a journalist called Ulā Jalāl were "harrased by the security police" and "ayman nour's supporters rushed to save her". Ulā Jalāl denies all the previous statments.
Human rights activist Rā’id al-Sharqāwī disputes claims of the US Copts Association that a priest from al-Zaqāzīq was murdered through a car accident.
This is apparently the article that led to the investigation of Father Basilius. Father Basilius criticizes in this article western Catholic theology.
An investigation into an article published by CNN claiming that the father of September 11, 2001 bomber Muhammad ‘Atā praised terrorist attacks.
A statement by the Danish Christian NGO, Danmission, pointing out that the NGO dissociated itself from Jyllens-Posten’s cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad as far back as November 2005, and calling for dialogue, rather than conflict.
The two questions (Does the Bible contain scientific errors? and: Has the text of the Bible been corrupted?) are asked in different contexts and have different aims; therefore they should be distinguished. They reveal different stances on critical methodology of modern science applied to sacred...
An Al-ʾAsbū‘ article published on January 31, 2005, reinforces a widespread belief that Americans are trying to use Egypt’s Christians to create a wedge between Muslims and Christians with the purpose of weakening Egypt. The article lacks accuracy but shows Egyptian distrust of US involvement in...
Journalists must be aware of sectarian sensitivities. By not being aware of them, journalists contribute to the bias and distortion of facts.
The interpretations of Al-Hayat and Al-Ahrām [art. 37 and 38 in this issue of AWR] are both off the mark – al-Hayat quoting the interview in the harshest possible light, al-Ahrām in a naively positive manner. Neither is quoting her quite correctly.


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