Displaying 101 - 110 of 1032.
Yesterday's attacks on two Coptic Orthodox Churches were heartbreaking. The boards of the Center for Arab-West Understanding (CAWU) in Egypt and the Arab-West Foundation (AWF) in the Netherlands call the terrorist attacks on Coptic Orthodox Churches in Tanta [Ṭānṭā] and Alexandria [Al-Iskandariyyah...
Most Muslims in Egypt do not have good impressions of Christian missionaries in Egypt. We earlier, in 2004, had discussions about this in Arab-West Report. There are good reasons for these negative impressions since there are indeed Christians proclaiming their faith and speaking very negatively...
The government did not suspend any consumer cards. This article refers to the article “the Insanity of a Travel Ban to Siwa.”
Between al-Qūṣiyya, Upper Egypt, and the Monastery of The Holy Virgin Mary or Dayr al-Muḥarraq, in the governorate of Asyut, lies the predominantly Christian village of al-Saraqnā. The village of around 10,000 inhabitants is peaceful but yet overpopulation creates a tremendous strain on the limited...
Between al-Qūṣiyya, Upper Egypt, and the Monastery of The Holy Virgin Mary or Dayr al-Muḥarraq, in the governorate of Asyut, lies the predominantly Christian village of al-Saraqnā. This alticle depicts a traditional Christian Upper Egyptian wedding. The village of around 10,000 inhabitants is...
Background:Between al-Qūṣiyya, Upper Egypt, and the Monastery of The Holy Virgin Mary or Dayr al-Muḥarraq, in the governorate of Asyut, lies the predominantly Christian village of al-Saraqnā. The village of around 10,000 inhabitants is peaceful but yet overpopulation creates a tremendous strain on...
General bishop: Bishop Buṭrus of the Coptic Orthodox Church is known for the controversy over the Charity Isle of Patmos. He has been a bishop since 1985, Member of board of advisors and founder of Charity Isle of Patmos [named after the Greek Island where the apostle John received his Revelation...
Arab-West Report extends its condolences to the family and friends of the victims in the March 22 and March 27 terrorist attacks in Brussels and Lahore, as well as to all Belgians and Pakistanis. The terrorist attack at Zaventem Airport and Maalbeek Metro station in Brussels claimed the lives of 34...
Three years ago, on February 27, 2013, we interviewed Aḥmad Ashūsh in our office. These were the days of President Muhammad Mursī and we then made efforts to understand the motivations of the different people involved various Islamists movements. Aḥmad Ashūsh was arrested in October 2013 for the...


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