Displaying 61 - 70 of 171.
The association of Opera Romana Pellegrinaggi, the one responsible for promoting religious tourism at the Vatican, has denied all rumors that the Vatican has stopped its trips to Egypt for pilgrimage and for the Holy Family's route when announcing its catalogs for tourism.
There are many treasures buried in the streets of Cairo and we pass by them daily but they do not attract our attention, in other words we do not pay attention to them. In one of the popular areas, a building contains a precious gift lying in the land of Egypt. The Church of the League of Jerusalem...
Dr. Majdī Manṣūr, general directory for Conservation and Renovation in the Ministry of Antiquities and an adviser to the Coptic cultural center in Cairo is presenting a research paper entitled, “The Coptic Museum: Challenges and Accomplishments.” His participation comes among one of the first...
  The students of the Learning Center at the Citadel of Qaitbay. Photo by Cornelis Hulsman   Sun, sea and blue sky   When the students of the Learning Center of the Center for Arab-West Understanding (CAWU) arrived in Alexandria on the morning of Friday, November 8, they could not but being...
At a time when the topic of migration is at the center of debate, it is usual to take under scrutiny how foreigners coming to Western countries integrate. Do they learn the language of the host country? Do they open themselves to the local communities? Do they adapt to the new customs and...
A number of people interested in the history and heritage of the town of al-Quṣayr along  the Red Sea have launched a campaign to include the smallest church in Egypt on a list of Coptic antiquities and save it from disrepair. The calls come nearly 103 years after the church's construction by...
The historical Jewish cemetery in al-Basātīn in Cairo is covered with tons of garbage. Unlike the rest of the tombs of other communities in Egypt, the Jewish cemetery had been neglected.
Dr. Rāniyyā al-Mashāṭ, the Minister of Tourism, visited the ‘Queens of Egypt’ an exhibition by National Geographic. This exhibition was organized in cooperation with the Egyptian Museum in Turin, the Montreal Museum of Antiquities and the Egyptian Embassy in Washington. This came as a part of her...
Dr. ʿAbd al-Raḥīm Rīḥān, General Director of research and archaeological studies in South Sinai, has confirmed that religious tolerance in Egypt was a historical reality. He cites a Quranic verse calling for the preservation of Christian, Jewish and Islamic sacred sites. The verse itself, Verse 40...
During the opening of the Fourth Annual Forum for Archaeological Missions in Egypt, the Minister of Antiquities, Khalid al-‘Anānī said that the number of archaeological missions in Egypt is increasing on a continuous and unprecedented basis due to the existence of safety and security throughout the...


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