Displaying 621 - 630 of 644.
A one-of-a-kind mosque opened its doors last week in Amsterdam. The mosque is for women only and is considered the first of its kind in the entire history of Islam.
Woman’s rights from the Islamic perspective is a controversial issue. This issue was misused by fanatics who want to prevent her to go to work. They also belittle her natural and intellectual faculties.On the other hand, the secularists exploited this issue, calling for the emancipation of women...
Bishop Musa responded to rumors that girls are being raped in stores. These girls first are fooled into signing papers with the prices of the stuff they bought, but among these papers is a paper that declares they are Muslim. Bishop Musa believes this is an intentional rumor that reason does not...
The Saudi public was shocked by the release of a statement signed by more than 200 heavyweight Saudi scholars and intellectuals, known to belong to the kingdom’s moderate trend. The statement warned against what they called the “Western liberal perspective” on social life that grants women’s issues...
The rebellion of the young women of the Azhar University has started. The Administrative Court affiliated to the State Council is currently examining about 60 lawsuits filed by female students from the Azhar University demanding equality with male students. The Azhar University prefers to enlist...
An article was published in a newspaper about how the Christian woman, under Pope Shenouda III, has fallen prey to unjust human intervention that amended the rule of court of the year 1938. This amendment pertains to the Orthodox Coptic divorce, which deprives thousands of people of remarrying and...
There is a wide-ranged white slavery [sex traffic] affair that afflicts countries like Moldova, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan and Romania, on different levels. Dr. Sema Erder, a Turkish researcher in the social sciences, commented saying that the targeted women in sex slavery are young...
The Culture Committee at the National Council for Women held a discussion group under the tile ‘Discrimination against women in the religious discourse.’
The author is of the opinion that this millionaire, who married tens of times, added to his crimes another one by trying to cover his crimes with Islam. He claimed that he was following the steps of Mohammed by doing so.
The Egyptian Center for Human Rights asked the legislative institutions to specify a certain number of seats in Parliament for women. At the same time, the Center called all political parties and all NGOs to activate women’s political participation.


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