Displaying 571 - 580 of 676.
The author believes that the TV series "Awan al ward" (time for roses) encourages mixed marriages between Muslims and Christians in an attempt to promote "National unity." It is true, Bishay writes, that the Christian character admitted making a mistake by marrying a Muslim man. Still it is a...
Security in Sana’a continues interrogating a colonel at the Ministry of Interior who opened fire on worshipers at the Grand Mosque following Friday prayers claiming to be the savior of masses. A government official said he was suffering from psychological problems.
Egyptian authorities imposed power on a village in Minia governorate after the eruption of fights between Muslims and Copts. The Ministry of Interior issued a statement denying that this incident has any political or sectarian motives. A fight had occurred between some members of a Muslim family...
Violence came back to appear on the surface of the run-off round of the second stage of the elections in three governorates, namely, Al-Gharbiya, Al-Daqahlia and Dumyat. The supporters of the candidates of the religious trend are behind the violent incidents. It is worth mentioning that three...
Editorial Board RNSAW:Drs. Cornelis Hulsman had been invited to give a lecture on his work for the RNSAW at a conference on "Media and Interreligious Dialogue" in Vienna, Austria on November 8 and 9. The conference had been organized by the International Press Institute in Vienna, the Department of...
The issue of Coptic candidates is now being debated and Coptic intellectuals, like Milad Hanna, reject the idea of isolating Copts and keep them waiting until the end of the nomination decision. The author listed many names expected to take part in the next election campaign and compared the...
In his book "The Risk in the Deal Between the Government and the Groups of Violence", Abdel Rahim, a journalist for Al-Ahali, speaks about the confrontation between the government and the groups of violence and the deal between them. The book speaks about the "initiative of the Jihad organization"...
The leader of Al-Wafd party deplored the recent steps taken by the Parties Affairs Committee against the Labor Party and its newspaper. The Party Affairs Committee announced on Sunday the suspension of Al-Shaab and all the other papers issued by the Labor party. The closure will be valid until all...
Subtitles: -The presidency of Shukri, Hamdi and Idris is not taken into consideration, -Al-Sha’ab and the papers of the party are suspended until the dispute is settled, -The file of the Labor Party is transferred to the General Prosecutor. The committee of parties decided not to take into...
At a meeting with representatives of the Ministry of Interior, University Rector and professors, students of the Azhar assured that they trusted the Government’s initiative in wisely handling the matter of the "Banquet".


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