Displaying 121 - 130 of 192.
The author compares the Hizbuallah in Syria with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. The comparison stems from the fact that the US asked Syria to stop supporting terrorism and to dissolve Hizbullah. In 1948, Britain, France and the US asked Egypt to dissolve the Muslim Brotherhood. He believes that...
The writer interviewed Dr. Essam Al-Erian, one of the middle-generation leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood. The conversation focused on the meeting of Muslim Brothers and European Diplomatic representatives that was held in the Swiss Club.
The author comments on two articles on jihad and the war on Iraq by Dr. Essam Al-Erian and Muhammad Ibrahim Mabruk. He believes that protecting one´s homeland does not need a religious text or fatwa. He adds that framing jihad in its religious dimension will harm other forms of jihad and will...
The author criticizes an article by Dr. Essam Al-Erian, a Brotherhood member, titled “Jihad by [engaging in] war…should it be a duty [on Muslims] in the war on Iraq?” He criticizes Al-Erian for associating jihad with war. This association gives the impression that dividing jihad into military and...
The author asks Coptic intellectuals their opinion concerning the plan of Colin Powell to change Arab regimes and an article discussing the citizenship of Christians. He also criticizes Dr. Milad Hanna´s comments on President Mubarak´s decision that established January 7 as a national...
Considering himself a member of a moderate Islamic group, that is the Brotherhood, the author responses to an article accusing moderate Islamists of not being concerned about extremist organizations increasing in number because of Al-Qa´ida network.
The General Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood paid a quick visit to the headquarters of the Nasserist Party. He denied the visit was to end dispute between the Muslim Brotherhood and the Nasserist Party.
Egyptian authorities arrested 14 Muslim Brotherhood leaders. A distinguished member of the group said that while the Arab and Islamic nation is facing an external danger, the group was hoping that the Egyptian government would work on keeping and preserving the internal front by recognizing the...
The Muslim Brotherhood reports that it has received a proposal from the government, in which Secretary General Mahmoud cIzzat and prominent leader cIsām al-cIryan would be released from prison in exchange for the Brotherhood’s support of President Mubārak in the forthcoming election. The Muslim...
Sawt al-Umma received a document including a long complaint from 17 young elements from the Muslim Brotherhood including their views on the internal dynamics of the organization and how it seems like in deep need for reform.


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