Dutch Radio Program Tijdsein: Interviews Hans Koolstra after his release in Yemen


Hans Koolstra and his family were kidnapped in Yemen in 1999. He tells the Dutch radio program ‘Tijdsein’ about the release of his family. The exact date of the interview is not known but it was shortly after the interview of Cornelis Hulsman with Dr. Truus Wierdsma.

For more information please refer to the following tapes: 

Hans Koolstra after his release in Yemen


Hans Koolstra is telling Cornelis Hulsman about the release of his family, after being kidnapped by a tribe in Yemen. The exact date of the interview is not known but it was shortly after the interview of Cornelis Hulsman with Dr. Truus Wierdsma.

For more information please refer to the following tapes: 

First telephone call with the Koolstra family after they had been released by their kidnappers in Yemen


The Dutch Koolstra family has been released after being kidnapped in Yemen in 1999. Cornelis Hulsman interviews the family for the first time after their release by phone. The exact date of the telephone interview is not known but it was shortly after the interview with Truus Wierdsma.

For more information please refer to the following tapes: 

Minister of Information ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Aqwā on kidnappings of foreigners in Yemen II


This is part II of the two interviews with Yemeni ministers following a wave of kidnappings of foreigners in Yemen including the Dutch Koolstra family.

For more information, please refer to the preceding tape Minister of InformationʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Aqwā on kidnappings of foreigners in Yemen I:


Minister of Information ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Aqwā on kidnappings of foreigners in Yemen I


In the midst of political instability and uncertainty in Yemen in 1999, a wave of kidnappings of foreigners by various Islamist groups occurred across the country, including the Dutch Koolstra family. Cornelis Hulsman met with the Minister of Information, member of the General People’s Congress (GPC), ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Aqwā, to discuss the situation in Yemen. The exact date of this recording is not known but it took place after the release of the Koolstra family in the second half of January 1999. 

Joe Stork on the implications of the US Religious Freedom Act/Ramzī Zaqlāma on Copts in Egypt and the Religious Freedom Act 1998


In light of growing rates and allegations of religious persecution, the United States decided to adopt religious freedom as one of the main pillars of its foreign policy in 1998. This piece of legislation, referred to as the Religious Freedom Act, stirred considerable controversy. Cornelis Hulsman along with a group of journalists discussed with Joe Stork of the Human Rights Watch (HRW)  the possible implications of such an act.

The Hanging Church Case: The dispute between Father Marqus ‘Azīz Khalīl and Fārūq Ḥusnī


Father Marqus ‘Azīz Khalīl talked about the issue of the Hanging Church and criticizes the Ministry of Culture in its stance regarding the issue. The interview was held in Arabic.

Side A:

Yūsuf al-Badrī on Tashrī‘ and Fatwā: The case of Naṣr Abū Zayd


Islamic preacher Yūsuf al-Badrī talked about the characteristics of a preacher and the sources of legislation in Egyptian society. He also talked about the case of liberal Islamic thinker, Naṣr Abū Zayd and criticized his books. The questions were asked and answered in Arabic.

For more information on the case of Professor Abū Zayd, please refer to the tape Naṣr Abū Zayd Accused of Apostasy:


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