Displaying 21 - 30 of 52.
Islamophobia literally means an exaggerated or irrational fear of Islam. In current times, Islamophobia is on the rise worldwide.
Arab-West relations have been one of the most controversial relationships in the international arena for decades.
Conversion in Egypt is a complicated and thorny issue.
  Between September 1 and 6 an Egyptian non-government delegation visited the Netherlands. The Reformatorisch Dagblad interviewed Emad Awny, the Coptic member of this group, and asked about the position of Christians in Egypt today.  
[Background: Trouw, an important and influential daily newspaper in the Netherlands, published on August 4, an opinion article of the chairmen of the youth organizations of three political parties; the CU (Christian Union), SGP (Reformed Political Party) and CDA (Christian Democratic Party), which...


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