AWR Index

Civil society/ Advocacy of Democratization
Clerical Council
Closing the church in Ibrahim Pasha village, Samallūt, Minya
Conversion of Westerners to Islam, mentioning specific people
Coptic Catholic Church
Coptic language, discussions
Coptic Orthodox leaders' statements about Judaism
Criminal Law
Criteria for media criticism
Critique or praise of Western Orientalists
Dār al-Iftā’ (Dr. Alī Jumah)
Delegation of Catholic universities in EU and America (Feb 2005)
Discrimination against Christians in Arab countries
Discussion about the policy and structure of al-Jamāʿah al-Islāmīya
Discussion on censoring the internet
Discussions about Biblical texts
Discussions about private religious TV channels
Discussions about the Document of Religious Rights (Ambassador for peace)
Discussions about the Zionist Lobby
Discussions about US interference in the policies of the Arab world
Discussions on Christians being forced to leave Palestinian territories
Dr. Muhammad Salīm al-Awwā
Education of preachers in mosques
Edward Ghālī al-Dahabī
Edward Saīd, Dr,
Egyptian center for Women's rights (Nihād Abū al-Qumsān)
Egyptian press laws
Egyptian TV
Enlightenment Association, Egypt
Ettinger, S. The history of Jews in Muslim countries 1850-1950
Faculty of Sharīah and Law
Family Court
Father Andrāwus ʿAzīz
Father Basilius of Makarius
Father Bisādah Ghubriyāl (al-Kushh)
Fatwas made by the Muftī
Fatwās mentioned in the Arab media
Female judges
General discussions about dialogue, for or against
General discussions on US Freedom from Religious Persecution Act
General guides
Greek Orthodox old calendar Church
Hāfiz Abū Si‘da, secretary-general
Hearings and rulings in court
Hijāb and Niqāb
History of Christians in the Islamic period
Ḥizb al-Faḍīla [Virtue Party]
Honor and shame
Human rights organizations based in Egypt
Hurricane Katrina (2005)
Ibrāhīm Najīb
In media
In the parliament
International Federation of Human Rights (FIDH)
International Leadership Institute (ILI)
International Leadership Institute (ILI)
International Union of Muslim Scholars (UMS)
Interpretation of the Qur'ān by non-Muslims
Iraqi Crisis
Islam and development
Islamic curricula at schools
Islamic Research Academy
Jacques Waardenburg, Dr.
Jamāl al-Bannā
Jehovah Witnesses (see the section on other religions in the Arab world)
Jerry Fallwell, Rev
Jewish monuments
Jewish non-Jewish marriages
Jewish-Arab Christian relations
Khālid al-Jindī
Khayrī al-Rakwah
King Fahd (1982 – today)
Le basier de Judas, Prolongeau, H
Lebanese Jewish community
Lebanese-Israeli conflict
Legal status of Muslim-Christian marriages
Life and death of Pope John Paul II and statement
Mahmūd Shaltūt
Marriage between two Christians of the same denomination
Mawlid Abū Hasīrah
Middle East Council of Churches (MECC)
Ministry of Culture
Ministry of Justice
Monastery of Barsium al-iryān (Helwan)
Monuments in Jordan
Muhammad Abd al-Ghānī al-Fūlī
Muhammad Abd al-Quddūs
Munā Hilmī
Murad Wilfred Hoffmann (1931-)
Muslim identity in non-Muslim countries
Muslim interpretation of the Qur'an
Mustafā Bakrī & Mahmūd Bakrī, 2003
Mustafā Mashhūr
Nāhid Mitwallī
National and parliamentary elections
National Arab American Association
Organizations and movements in the Arab world and the West
Other churches in Old Cairo
