AWR Index

Father Mikhāʾīl (al-Kushh)
Father Yuʾannis Zakī Sidrāk (al-Wāylī)
Gehrke-White, Donne, The face behind the veil (2006)
George Qanawātī, Dr.
Halliday, Fred (1946-)
Hasan Hanafī
Jamāl al-Ghaytānī (Full veiling)
Kidnapping and killing for political financial purposes
Kifāyah movement
Mahdī Ākif's attack on Egypt (2006)
Marriage between a foreign man and an Egyptian woman
Ministry of Information
Monastery of St. Bīshūy
Mozart Opera (Berlin, 2006)
Muslim-Christian incidents
National Endowment for Democracy (NED)
Nazlit Gris, Abu Qurqas, al-Miniy
Other protestant denominations (protestant fundamentalists)
Other religions or beliefs in the Arab/Islamic World
Printed Media
Prof A. van Agt visit
Protestant Churches
Ramzī Zaqlamah
Refuge and Immigration Law
Requesting permission for new political parties
Restauration of the Church Arch Angel Michael in Bani Majd, Assiut (1997)
Satan worship
Seventh-Day Adventist Churches
Starrett, G, Education, Politics and Religious Transformation in Egypt (1998)
State Council
The role of Saudi Arabia in religious institutions
UN organizations working in the Arab World
Wāsil, Nasr Farīd
Ya Rijal al-Alam Itaḥidu (O Men of the World, Unite!)
Zakarīyah, N. The second advent of Christ between Zionist allegations
ʿAbd Allāh al-Khatīb
ʿĀdil Abd al-Majīd ʿAbd al-Bārī
1996-Mob Violence in Kafr Dimyān
al-Hindī, Rahmat Allāh, Izhār al-Haqq
Al-Mahaddawī (Libyan judge)
Al-Misrī al-Yawm journalists imprisoned, 2006
Al-Tawhīd wa-al-Jihād
Arab West Report (AWR) / Dialogue Across Borders (DAB) – Website
Assassination of Īhāb al-Sharīf (2005)
Bishop Bakhoum (Sohag)
Capuani, M. Christian Egypt; Coptic Art and Monuments
Censorship-legal structure, social background and practice
Closing of al-Amir Tadrus in Bani Shukair village, Manfallut (1997)
Controversial Western books discussed in Egypt/Arab world-related to Christianity
Cooperation between the US and an Islamic country to attack a Muslim state
Discussing superstitions
Discussion about the Crusades in political discussions
Discussions about an Egyptian Film on Jesus Christ's Life (2007)
Discussions about enlightenment, knowledge
Discussions about Fārūq Husnī's statement about the hijāb
Discussions about the role of Christians in Pakistani politics
Discussions of martyrdom attacks or operations
Disputed kidnappings and forced conversions
Dr. Abd al-Azīm al-Matanī
Egyptian Initiative for Personal Right
Excommunicated laymen
Farīd Sālim Kidwānī
Father Salīb Mattā Sawīrus (Mar Girgis church in Gioschi)
Finances and investment of Muslim Brotherhood money
Glass, J. Soldiers of God
Horovitz, Joseph (1874-1930)
Interviews with Muslim Brotherhood Members
Jewish extremist groups
Karāmah movement (dignity movement, Oct 25, 1999)
Khālid Fawzī
Kingdom of Egypt (1923 – 1952)
Laymen presented as papal advisor or church spokesperson
Lewis, P. Islamic Britain: Religion, Politics & Identity among British Muslims
Ministry of Interior (Government)
Misusing the name of God or Qur'ānic verses
Monastery of St. Makarius
Monk Aghathon (Old Cairo)
Qena (Qina)
Taba, Egypt (2004)
Tantāwī, Nehru Abd al-Sabūr A new reading of Islam [‘Qirā’ah lil-Islām min-Jadīd’]
The alleged kidnapping of four girls from Mallawi (2001)
The Azhar (its history and role in the world)
The new law for building, restoring and repairing houses of worship
Women, gender relations and children
Yūsuf Sidhum
ʿĀ'ishah Rafīʿ
ʿAbd al-Majīd, Dr.
1996-Terrorist Attack in ʿIzbat al-Aqbāt
2001-Ḥanān Nās ʿAzīz
Al-Injīl wa-al-Salīb/ The Bible and the Cross (Abd al-Ahad Da'ūd al-Ashūrī al-Irāqī) (2004)
al-Waʿd (Egypt)
Ali al-Majarī (yemeni poet)
